“On Your Own”.
by Ekaterina Levina
Yesterday I saw a couple of ravens picking fuzzy balls of wool on a sidewalk for their nest. It’s spring… I was on my way to the Legion of Honor Museum to take some pictures of paintings for my Art History term paper. I’ll tell more about this paper ordeal sometime in May.
Last month my painting “On Your Own” was accepted for the creative justice art exhibit “Those Without Voices” at USF School of Law. The show benefited The Forgotten International: Finding, Helping & Bringing Hope to Forgotten People Worldwide.
This is my description of the painting for the show:
“The painting expresses fear of losing the ground under feet.
In the current financial situation people are losing their houses, jobs, places to live.
It’s about fear of the future in the turmoil of an economical crisis.
Would my house, my world, be able to keep its ground?
There are real people behind numbers reflecting the downfall of the economy”.
A couple of my friend came to the reception, and I met a few artists that I knew there. The reception was fun – a nice band played, poetry readings were exciting and the art was inspirational.
Lawyers ARE wealthy, so the food was fabulous. One of my friends couldn’t leave the buffet for the whole time.
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