"The Martian"
by Ekaterina Levina
This is a submission for the de Young Satellite Exhibition. Same theme, different place.
The college night show at the de Young would last only one evening, when the show at thw Art Institute of California would last for about two weeks. Both shows have the same curator from the museum.
Here are my explanations for this submission:
“Pocket Therapist”
Pop Psychology has become a modern day commodity. We consume magazines, talk-shows, numerous self-help books dedicated to the subject of what we want/need/have to know about a state of our mind.
I distilled three the most common recommendations from casual conversations I’ve had with my friend, a practicing psychiatrist:
- It’s not your fault.
- Put yourself first.
- You have a choice.
I made a portable “therapist” to keep “in a pocket”.
It’s possible to blow out a single image and multiply it, so it becomes something giant to get our attention.
I use a reverse method of converting a complex idea to a size of a pocketbook.
“The Martian”
A fragment of a picture of a stranger I met in a café and a magnolia flowering in my neighborhood combined together became something from another planet.
A flower could have a gloomy mood to the point of becoming an alien.
One way to bring attention to regular objects is using high saturation images multiplied in different arrangements.
Instead, I use a small scale combination of familiar things to bring out their new otherworldly possibilities.
1 comment:
Outstanding work done!The incredible idea of a combination like that captures the imagination of the audience.
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